Very interesting topic right? I was also surprised to find this out :). So I was studying the book of Genesis earlier this year and amongst other things, something that stood out to me was how some people's appetites put both themselves and their generations to come in big trouble! Let's look at some examples. Case Study 1: Esau (Gen. 25: 24-34) Most of us know how Esau's appetite made him forfeit his birthright in a heartbeat. He didn't even think about it simply because he was hungry! He was only hungry, not about to die... Sometimes, we are so overwhelmed with our current need, desires and situations that we make costly mistakes in our decision making, mistakes that will negatively affect our tomorrow. Don't allow a momentary circumstance leave a permanent dent on your bright future. P.S.: Jacob was very wrong to have taken advantage of Esau's vulnerability in that moment. However, Esau turned out to be a very forgiving brother. I know some people w...