Listen And Be Edified

Hey there!!! Trust you're doing great today... February went by so quickly! Well, thank God for the February; now, we await March! Today, I'll be taking us through the path of a song I stumbled on recently: Spirit lead me ft. Micheal Ketterer. This is song is super amazing! A line in the chorus of this song says: I'm done chasing feelings. In these times, when things seem rough and tough, we get so carried away sometimes that we forget to breathe and let God lead us; we get so caught up in the happenings around us that we unconsciously take over the steering wheel from the One Who ought to be leading us. Whether it's worrying, getting anxious, doubting, or any other action devoid of faith, we must learn to consciously, constantly and consistently surrender to the leading of the Spirit. I've always told myself, worry (and anxiety) doesn't change anything about the situation. If God is working on it, why should I lose sleep over it as well? He doesn...