The Faith of our Fathers Vs. Our Faith

Hello! Welcome to a new month and welcome to MLS! So, I've been studying the Bible books of Kings and recently, something caught my eye. Take a look at the following scriptures: "Like King Jeroboam before him, he sinned against the Lord and led Israel into sin; he never gave up his evil ways." "He too sinned against the Lord and followed the evil example of King Jeroboam, who had led Israel into sin." 2 Kings 13:2, 11 GNT "He did what the Lord considered right, but not exactly what his ancestor David had done. He did everything his father Joash had done." 2 Kings 14:3 GW "Following the example of his father, he did what was pleasing to the Lord." 2 Kings 15:3 GNT These are just a few scriptures; there are many other similar scriptures in both books, and really, all through the Bible. However, my point is that I realized from these scriptures, both the righteous and unrighteous were judged against their fathers...