Expressions of Love

I trust God to help me pass across this message today. But please, listen with your heart and rapt attention 😊 There's so much hurt in the world... So much! I was reading through comments and articles on the life of a celebrity who recently passed, and to say the least, I became numb at some point... I kept questioning... If only someone had reached out to him... If only someone had shown him the love of God that heals and fills every void... If only he had known that depression is a choice and there's a way out of it... If only... Then I thought of the fact that thousands die by the minute who only needed to be shown the love of our Father... Note my point please: Love. Much more than anything, God seeks that they understand and know how much He loves them. Yes, they may be doing things that He hates and they themselves hate, but he doesn't hate them... They were created in His image; He only hates those actions and the spirits behind them. Some of us have tr...