Hey there!!! Thanks for being here! If you haven't read our last post, you will benefit from it so do avail yourself the opportunity 😃 Now to today's gist... This year, put ALL your trust in Jesus. No room for alternatives or Plan B's... Jesus all the way! No matter how tough it may get, and it could get really tough, trust Jesus. Seek His opinion above all others and take Him at His word... If He has said it, He will do it. If it's in His word, He is bound by it and He will fulfill it. Rest in His promises. Relax in the knowing that He sees, He knows, He understands and most of all, He's got a glorious and beautiful plan! It will eventually work out for your good and end in praise! In every situation, consult Him first and if there will be any human consultations, let Him direct you to whom to consult. Don't reveal your issues to every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Be Spirit-led this year. Don't be afraid to put all your eggs in one basket and be sure t...