Hi there! I do hope you had a great April and you did maximize it to its full capacity… If you didn’t, no worries. May presents you with another opportunity… Anticipate it and use it well. And now to the business of today. So, one of the things I love to do in my leisure is read Christian novels. And as I thought about what to share with you today, I was reminded of the novel, ‘The Crossroad’ by Beverly Lewis. I wouldn’t want to go into the details of the story (you can get the book if you wish, it’s very lovely) but the major thing that resonated with me was the title: Crossroad. Many a time, we get into situations and circumstances in life that seem to be three- or four-way junctions. We are faced with so many options yet we do not know which one to take. Whether it’s choosing the right job offer, deciding whether to get a PhD or settle for a job, deciding which school to go or which course to offer, deciding which of the ladies will make the best wife ;) or ...