
Showing posts from November, 2016


While pondering on what God would have me share on the blog this week, a song by minister Eben, "stayed on you", came to mind.   There are many passages of scripture that talk about setting our hearts on Jesus, on eternity and on things above (See Heb 12:2) and the reality is, it is OUR duty to keep our hearts and minds focused on God. It's very easy to lose track and get distracted but you reap a delightful harvest when you keep your heart fixed on Him.   Last week, I remember saying that you shouldn't expect to receive from God if your heart is set on your situation, or focused on any other thing asides Him. In Isaiah 24:3, God says He will keep in perfect peace, those whose minds are stayed on Him (paraphrased). Every time I read that scripture, peace just overwhelms me! However, I have come to the much needed understanding that it is a pact; our part is to keep our minds focused on Him and He will ensure we are in peace about whatsoever the situation might be...


Many times in life, we are faced with situations which require our immediate response. Some of these situations could come to test our faith and for some of us, we fail the test. We fail the test because we want to respond to the situation as urgently as it has presented itself. We fail the test because we feel there is "no time to waste". God's word says that when temptations come, one of the things they develop in us is patience... Endurance. The ability to wait. For many of us, we can get very tense and anxious in the face of situations that are beyond our control and the last thing we want to do at such times in our lives, is Wait. However, there is power in waiting. I must say here that waiting in this sense isn't the passive kind; sitting around, looking at the clock, passing time, worrying etc. The waiting I am referring to is an active one and I must say that whatever you spend your time doing in your waiting period largely determines what comes out when the...