Love's Response

Have you ever wondered how the negative occurrences that took place in your childhood didn't take you out? Some of us did really terrible things when we were young... I'm trying hard not to shake this table but I actually heard of someone who, while playing, locked himself up in the freezer when he was young! How did he survive it?! God alone knows! Well, as I was saying before the diversion, some of us did terrible things when we were young but for some others, terrible things happened to us. Some were abused physically, sexually, mentally etc. in their childhood, some had a child/children out of wedlock, some were terribly ill, some experienced difficulties in learning, some had their parents abandon them, and some people (like me😂) were rescued from 'falling' into a relationship that would have landed them where they shouldn't be. Everyone has a different story to tell, but did it ever occur to you that you're standing because somehow those things didn'...