Are You Safe?

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the rate at which Christians are dying is steadily on the increase? More disturbing are the deaths by mysterious causes. Indeed, the end is near. But these people are safe right now, they are indeed resting because they accepted Jesus into their lives. Are you safe? Will you really rest when you die? There's this thing I've seen before on Facebook that is usually done when a disaster has just occurred. A page will be opened and people residing in the area where the disaster occurred will be asked to confirm that they are safe by clicking on a button. God brought this to mind as I pondered on this topic. The statement "the end is near" sure scares some people, but for some others, it's simply a reminder of the things promised by their first Love. If you are in the former group, I would like to beg you today to give Jesus a chance. I would be a terrible friend if I don't give you an opportunity to know...