We Have A Tracker!

Hey there! Happy new year to you and yours!!! I trust 2018 was good for you, but 2019 will turn out to be even more exciting, adventurous and purposeful! Towards the end of last year, while in Bible study one evening, our anchor scripture came alive to me! It was as though I'd never really meditated on it. I'm sure you're wondering what it was that must have caught my attention. Well, here we go... So, I'd been seeking God's face for direction, insight and the understanding of His will for the next phase of my life. And it seemed as though I had no clue as to what it was. I struggled with accepting the truth that God definitely wants me to know His plans for me, and the fact that it didn't seem so. In the midst of my mind-racking and heart-searching, God reminded me of this scripture: 1 Cor. 2:11-12, and His explanation blew my mind: No human being can access another's mind; only your spirit knows what you have planned; only your spirit can acc...