Stagger not at the promise...

Still on this promise matter...π It's still early in the year but I know some have already began wavering...π How do I know? Well, we know ourselves π All I want to do today, as always, is encourage you. From now until the end of the year, situations will come to test whether you actually believed God's promises to you this year, or you're acting based on trial and errorπ. Temptations to forget the promises and find a "human" or alternative way out of your circumstances will come all through this year, but I urge you to hang on! God is too faithful and loyal to His word to go against it, and He has said He won't leave you, and that His word doesn't return to Him without accomplishing its purpose. So, snap out of the pity party and begin confessing God's promises to you regardless of the appearance of that circumstance! The Bible says that those who possessed their promises did it through FAITH and PATIENCE. You cannot ...