My Pledge

Lord, I choose to be confident in the woman/man you've called me to be. Not the person situations have made me become, Or the person I think myself to be, But the person you see in me; The person you have placed in me I choose to be comfortable in my lane, Not competing with others or comparing myself with them; Not poking my nose into others' lanes when I have my race to run. Jealousy and foolish comparison will not have their way in me. I choose to be confident in the uniqueness of my gifts, calling, potentials, assignment, and resources, All that you have invested in me so I can become who you have called me to be. I have all I need and more in You, to become who you see me to be. I choose to stay in my process, trust your workings in me and be content in my uniqueness; I will not be complacent nor content with mediocrity, But will manifest the greatness and excellence you have put in me. I will not paint a picture of myself that you...