Think On These Things...
Hello! It's soooo good to have you here once again... Today, I would like you to take some time to just meditate on the above scripture. I used the Amplified version because it amplified the scripture very well ;) So, take out some time; think, ponder, mutter, say the scripture out loud, read it in other translations, ask questions, get answers... That's how to meditate. You can even go further to read the verses before and after this one for better understanding if the context of the scripture. In case you haven't been doing this, trust me, you'll be glad you did. There are some depths of revelation in God's word that you will never get except you meditate. Josh. 1:8 gives us this instruction. Gods word brings light. What "light" (revelation, insight) have you gotten from this scripture? How can you apply it to your situation? I await your response.